Photo: Sabina Jacobsson

Darkness: the enemy inside.

Darkness is a new hybrid play written collectively by 5 European playwrights as part of the EU Collective Plays project (the EUCP involves 8 new play projects and over 50 writers world-wide). This play explores the notion of Darkness that is distinctly Scandinavian and illuminates its kaleidoscopic juxtapositions. Darkness explores how the seemingly harmonious Scandinavian society, where everything seems to be solved for you, makes the individual sometimes acutely aware of his or her inner demons. The Nordic group uses the descriptor, “the enemy inside,” to describe this phenomenon. What happens if your happiness becomes solely your own responsibility? Having all your dreams fulfilled can lead to existential crises – here explored from the different vantage points of the writing team from various Scandinavian countries, and expressed in folk tales, Norse legends and in reference to the language and natural wonders of the Nordic landscape. Dr. Castagno has been involved with the EUCP Project since 2015, now serving as editor of its anthology Collaborative Playwriting: Polyvocal approaches from the EU Collective Play Project (Routledge 2019). He won the 2018 Oslo International Festival of Acting award for advancing the pedagogy of polyvocal playwriting. (Originally scheduled for April 2019 this show was pushed back due to Hurricane Florence.)
